For my important project on the book The Hobbit I chose to make a poster my plan is to type up information and get a whole bunch of awesome photos and organize it in a more sort of collage way but with information on top of the photos in a layered formation. The question I chose to do this amazing project on is do you think that there is someone/something else that controls our actions? With me I’m not really sure that I believe in god or something like that but I do believe in destiny and things happening for a reason. I think from the book The Hobbit that out of everyone Gandalf would be the one controlling destiny but I only think he gives destiny a push because its Bilbo’s destiny to go on this journey searching for the treasure and to find the ring, without the ring things might have happened differently. Like when they get split up in Misty Mountain Bilbo probably wouldn’t have been able to get past the guards. And with the spiders they probably would have done the same thing to Bilbo that they did to the dwarves. And all of this leads to a bigger destiny then just finding treasure, and that is the main outline of my Hobbit project.
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